package de.saumya.mojo.gem; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.model.Resource; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException; import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.UnArchiver; import de.saumya.mojo.jruby.AbstractJRubyMojo; import de.saumya.mojo.ruby.gems.GemException; import de.saumya.mojo.ruby.gems.GemManager; import de.saumya.mojo.ruby.gems.GemsConfig; import de.saumya.mojo.ruby.gems.GemsInstaller; import de.saumya.mojo.ruby.script.GemScriptFactory; import de.saumya.mojo.ruby.script.ScriptException; import de.saumya.mojo.ruby.script.ScriptFactory; /** */ public abstract class AbstractGemMojo extends AbstractJRubyMojo { @Component( hint="zip" ) protected UnArchiver unzip; @Parameter( defaultValue = "${plugin}", readonly = true ) protected PluginDescriptor plugin; /** * flag whether to include open-ssl gem or not * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.includeOpenSSL=... * */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.includeOpenSSL" ) @Deprecated protected boolean includeOpenSSL; /** * flag whether to include all gems to test-resources, i.e. to test-classpath or not * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.includeRubygemsInTestResources=... * */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "true", property = "gem.includeRubygemsInTestResources" ) protected boolean includeRubygemsInTestResources; /** * flag whether to include all gems to resources, i.e. to classpath or not * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.includeRubygemsInResources=... * */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.includeRubygemsInResources" ) protected boolean includeRubygemsInResources; /** * flag whether to include all gems to resources, i.e. to classpath or not * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.includeProvidedRubygemsInResources=... * * @parameter expression="${gem.includeProvidedRubygemsInResources}" default-value="false" */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.includeProvidedRubygemsInResources" ) protected boolean includeProvidedRubygemsInResources; /** * EXPERIMENTAL * * this gives the scope of the gems which shall be included to resources. * * flag whether to include all gems to resources, i.e. to classpath or not. * the difference to the <code>includeRubygemsInResources</code> is that it * does not depend on rubygems during runtime since the required_path of the * gems gets added to resources. note that it expect the required_path of the * gem to be <b>lib</b> which is the default BUT that is not true for all gems. * in this sense this feature is incomplete and might not work for you !!! * * IMPORTANT: it only adds the gems with <b>provided</b> scope since they are packed * with the jar and then the pom.xml will not have them (since they are marked * 'provided') as transitive dependencies. * * this feature can be helpful in situations where the classloader does not work * for rubygems due to rubygems uses file system globs to find the gems and this * only works if the classloader reveals the jar url of its jars (i.e. URLClassLoader). * for example OSGi classloader can not work with rubygems !! * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.includeGemsInResources=... * */ @Parameter( property = "gem.includeGemsInResources" ) @Deprecated protected String includeGemsInResources; /** /** * flag whether to include file under the lib directory * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.includeLibDirectoryInResources=... * */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.includeLibDirectoryInResources" ) protected boolean includeLibDirectoryInResources; /** * flag whether to install rdocs of the used gems or not * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.installRDoc=... * */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.installRDoc" ) protected boolean installRDoc; /** * flag whether to install ri of the used gems or not * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.installRDoc=... * */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.installRI" ) protected boolean installRI; /** * use system gems instead of setting up GemPath/GemHome inside the build directory and ignores any set * gemHome and gemPath. you need to have both GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH environment variable set to make it work. * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.useSystem=... * */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.useSystem" ) protected boolean gemUseSystem; /** * map different install locations for rubygems (GEM_HOME) to a directory. for example * compile dependencies will be installed in ${}/rubygems and * provided dependencies in ${}/rubygems-provided, and * ${}/rubygems-test for the test scope. this mapping here allows * to map those different directories onto a single one, i.e.: test => ${gem.home}, provided => ${gem.home} * <br/> * */ @Parameter( property = "" ) protected Map<String, String> gemHomes; /** * directory of gem home to use when forking JRuby. default will be ignored * when gemUseSystem is true. * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.home=... * */ @Parameter( property = "gem.home", defaultValue = "${}/rubygems" ) protected File gemHome; /** * directory of JRuby path to use when forking JRuby. default will be ignored * when gemUseSystem is true. * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.path=... * */ @Parameter( property = "gem.path", defaultValue = "${}/rubygems" ) protected File gemPath; /** * directory of JRuby bin path to use when forking JRuby. * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.binDirectory=... * */ @Parameter( property = "gem.binDirectory" ) protected File binDirectory; /** * flag to indicate to setup jruby's native support for C-extensions * <br/> * Command line -Dgem.supportNative=... * * @parameter expression="${gem.supportNative}" default-value="false" */ @Parameter( defaultValue = "false", property = "gem.supportNative" ) @Deprecated protected boolean supportNative; @Component protected GemManager manager; protected GemsConfig gemsConfig; protected GemsInstaller gemsInstaller; @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException{ if (this.project.getBasedir() == null) { this.gemHome = new File(this.gemHome.getAbsolutePath() .replace("/${project.basedir}/", "/")); this.gemPath = new File(this.gemPath.getAbsolutePath() .replace("/${project.basedir}/", "/")); } this.gemsConfig = new GemsConfig(); try { this.gemsConfig.setGemHome(this.gemHome.getCanonicalFile()); this.gemsConfig.addGemPath(this.gemPath.getCanonicalFile()); } catch (IOException e) { // fallback to the given files this.gemsConfig.setGemHome(this.gemHome); this.gemsConfig.addGemPath(this.gemPath); } if (this.gemUseSystem && (System.getenv("GEM_HOME") == null || System.getenv( "GEM_PATH") == null) ){ getLog().warn("with gemUseSystem set to true and no GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH is set, " + " then some maven goals might not work as expected"); } this.gemsConfig.setSystemInstall(this.gemUseSystem); this.gemsConfig.setAddRdoc(this.installRDoc); this.gemsConfig.setAddRI(this.installRI); this.gemsConfig.setBinDirectory(this.binDirectory); // this.gemsConfig.setUserInstall(userInstall); // this.gemsConfig.setSystemInstall(systemInstall); this.gemsConfig.setSkipJRubyOpenSSL( ! (this.includeOpenSSL && getJrubyVersion().needsOpenSSL() ) ); super.execute(); } @Override protected ScriptFactory newScriptFactory(Artifact artifact) throws MojoExecutionException { try { final GemScriptFactory factory = artifact == null ? new GemScriptFactory(this.logger, this.classRealm, null, getProjectClasspath(), this.jrubyFork, this.gemsConfig): (JRUBY_CORE.equals(artifact.getArtifactId()) ? new GemScriptFactory(this.logger, this.classRealm, artifact.getFile(), resolveJRubyStdlibArtifact(artifact).getFile(), getProjectClasspath(), this.jrubyFork, this.gemsConfig) : new GemScriptFactory(this.logger, this.classRealm, artifact.getFile(), getProjectClasspath(), this.jrubyFork, this.gemsConfig)); if(supportNative){ factory.addJvmArgs("-Djruby.home=" + setupNativeSupport().getAbsolutePath()); } if(rubySourceDirectory != null && rubySourceDirectory.exists()){ if(jrubyVerbose){ getLog().info("add to ruby loadpath: " + rubySourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } // add it to the load path for all scripts using that factory factory.addSwitch("-I", rubySourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } if( libDirectory != null && libDirectory.exists() ){ if(jrubyVerbose){ getLog().info("add to ruby loadpath: " + libDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } // add it to the load path for all scripts using that factory factory.addSwitch("-I", libDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } return factory; } catch (final DependencyResolutionRequiredException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("could not resolve jruby", e); } catch (final ScriptException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("could not initialize script factory", e); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("could not initialize script factory", e); } } private File setupNativeSupport() throws MojoExecutionException { File target = new File(this.project.getBuild().getDirectory()); File jrubyDir = new File(target, "jruby-" + getJrubyVersion()); if (!jrubyDir.exists()){ Artifact dist = manager.createArtifact("org.jruby", "jruby-dist", getJrubyVersion().toString(), "bin", "zip"); try { manager.resolve(dist, localRepository, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories()); } catch (final GemException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("could not setup jruby distribution for native support", e); } if (jrubyVerbose) { getLog().info("unzip " + dist.getFile()); } target.mkdirs(); unzip.setSourceFile(dist.getFile()); unzip.setDestDirectory(target); File f = null; try { unzip.extract(); f = new File(target, "jruby-" + getJrubyVersion() + "/bin/jruby"); // use reflection so it compiles with java1.5 as well but does not set executable Method m = f.getClass().getMethod("setExecutable", boolean.class); m.invoke(f, new Boolean(true)); } catch (ArchiverException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("could unzip jruby distribution for native support", e); } catch (Exception e) { getLog().warn("can not set executable flag: " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } return jrubyDir; } protected File gemHome( String base, String key ) { if (gemHomes != null && gemHomes.containsKey(key)) { return new File(gemHomes.get(key)); } else { return new File(base + "-" + key); } } @Override protected void executeJRuby() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, IOException, ScriptException { this.gemsInstaller = new GemsInstaller(this.gemsConfig, this.factory, this.manager); // remember gem_home File home = this.gemsConfig.getGemHome(); // use a common bindir, i.e. the one from the configured gemHome // remove default by setting it explicitly this.gemsConfig.setBinDirectory(this.gemsConfig.getBinDirectory()); // use gemHome as base for other gems installation directories String base = this.gemsConfig.getGemHome() != null ? this.gemsConfig.getGemHome().getAbsolutePath() : (project.getBuild().getDirectory() + "/rubygems"); try { // install the gem dependencies from the pom if ( jrubyVerbose ) { getLog().info("installing gems for compile scope . . ."); } this.gemsInstaller.installPom(this.project, this.localRepository, "compile"); if ( jrubyVerbose ) { getLog().info("installing gems for runtime scope . . ."); } this.gemsInstaller.installPom(this.project, this.localRepository, "runtime"); String[] SCOPES = new String[] { "provided", "test" }; for( String scope: SCOPES ){ File gemHome = gemHome( base, scope ); this.gemsConfig.setGemHome( gemHome ); this.gemsConfig.addGemPath( gemHome ); if ( jrubyVerbose ) { getLog().info("installing gems for " + scope + " scope . . ."); } // install the gem dependencies from the pom this.gemsInstaller.installPom(this.project, this.localRepository, scope); } File pluginGemHome = gemHome( base, plugin.getArtifactId() ); // use plugin home for plugin gems this.gemsConfig.setGemHome(pluginGemHome); this.gemsConfig.addGemPath(pluginGemHome); if ( jrubyVerbose ) { getLog().info("installing gems for plugin " + plugin.getGroupId() + ":" + plugin.getArtifactId() + " . . ."); } this.gemsInstaller.installGems(this.project, this.plugin.getArtifacts(), this.localRepository, getRemoteRepos()); } catch (final GemException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("error in installing gems", e); } finally { // reset old gem home again this.gemsConfig.setGemHome(home); } if (this.includeRubygemsInTestResources) { for (File path : this.gemsConfig.getGemPath()) { if ( path.exists() ) { if (jrubyVerbose) { getLog().info("add gems to test-classpath from: " + path.getAbsolutePath()); } // add it to the classpath so java classes can find the ruby // files Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setDirectory(path.getAbsolutePath()); resource.addInclude("gems/**"); resource.addInclude("specifications/**"); addResource(project.getBuild().getTestResources(), resource); } } } if (this.includeProvidedRubygemsInResources) { for (File path : this.gemsConfig.getGemPath()) { if ( path.exists() && path.getName().contains("provided")) { if (jrubyVerbose) { getLog().info("add gems to classpath from: " + path.getAbsolutePath()); } // add it to the classpath so java classes can find the ruby // files Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setDirectory(path.getAbsolutePath()); resource.addInclude("gems/**"); resource.addInclude("specifications/**"); addResource(project.getBuild().getResources(), resource); } } } if (this.includeRubygemsInResources) { if (jrubyVerbose) { getLog().info("add gems to classpath from: " + home.getAbsolutePath()); } // add it to the classpath so java classes can find the ruby files Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setDirectory(home.getAbsolutePath()); resource.addInclude("gems/**"); resource.addInclude("specifications/**"); // no java sources since resins application server tries to compile those resource.addExclude("gems/**/*.java"); addResource(project.getBuild().getResources(), resource); } if (this.includeLibDirectoryInResources) { if (jrubyVerbose) { getLog().info("add to classpath: " + libDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } // add it to the classpath so java classes can find the ruby files Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setDirectory(libDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); addResource(project.getBuild().getResources(), resource); } if (this.includeGemsInResources != null ) { String dir = "compile".equals( includeGemsInResources ) ? base : base + "-" + includeGemsInResources; File gems = new File(dir, "gems"); if ( gems.exists() ) { for( File g : gems.listFiles() ) { File lib = new File(g, "lib"); if (jrubyVerbose) { getLog().info("add to resource: " + lib.getAbsolutePath()); } Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setDirectory(lib.getAbsolutePath()); project.getBuild().getResources().add(resource); } } } try { executeWithGems(); } catch (final GemException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("error in executing with gems", e); } } protected void addResource(List<Resource> resources, Resource resource) { String ref = resource.toString(); for( Resource r : resources ) { if (r.toString().equals(ref)) { return; } } if (jrubyVerbose) {"add resource: " + resource); } resources.add(resource); } abstract protected void executeWithGems() throws MojoExecutionException, ScriptException, GemException, IOException, MojoFailureException; protected List<ArtifactRepository> getRemoteRepos() { List<ArtifactRepository> remotes = new LinkedList<ArtifactRepository>(); remotes.addAll(project.getPluginArtifactRepositories() ); remotes.addAll(project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() ); return remotes; } }